Partial Knee Replacement

Partial Knee Replacement

We live in an age where we all want to be more active and many of us wish to pursue our sporting interests through middle life into older age. This means we demand more from our joints for longer, even if they are worn out. With the development of more sophisticated ways of analysing knee joint deterioration, I can identify patients who are experiencing early wear in specific parts of their knee joint. In the past these patients might have been advised to give up – but not any longer. Nowadays advancing design has made it possible to resurface these isolated parts. The aim is to keep the patient mobile and active, whilst resurfacing only the damaged area of the joint in a much smaller and reduced operation. Smaller procedures lead to a more rapid rehabilitation and greater activity at an earlier stage following the operation.

Partial Knee replacement can be done of the inner half (most common) or outer half of the knee, or of the front  part of the knee (patello-femoral) depending upon the location of the arthritis and which part of the joint is worn out.

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