About Knee Surgery

About Knee Surgery

Our knees are the hardest working and most complex joint in our body. When a knee is damaged or becomes injured, the simplest of every day movements and activities can become painful and, in some instances, impossible.

Regardless of whether your condition is congenital, occupational or sports related, you need a highly skilled surgeon, the latest hospital equipment and a team that will help you rehabilitate. I’m pleased to say we can offer you all of these at our locations in Chichester.

How do you know if you require knee surgery?

Commonly patients experience pain and swelling in the knee and find that everyday activities are uncomfortable. Walking may be restricted and sleep may be interrupted. Patients may notice instability or locking of the knee and occasionally a grinding sensation.

Though non-surgical treatments are always considered initially, if using medication and a cane aren’t delivering enough relief, you need to be referred to a consultant orthopaedic surgeon by your GP before you can be considered for surgery.

Knee surgery is carried out in two main ways and can be either arthroscopic (keyhole), which is typically used for sports injury, meniscal or cartilage procedures, or open, which is used for reconstructive and resurfacing operations. I am an expert in both of these methods.

Please click on the images to browse further about individual Knee treatments available. Feel free to write to us or make an appointment to discuss further with Mr Moss.

For more advice on knee replacements, please call us on 01243 753032 (Private Secretary), or send us a message using our appointment form